Now I understand

“Not all that is known should be told” Words of wisdom that I found difficult to understand until a certain point in my life. Maybe the wrong context in which I first heard the quote repelled me from it. I was thinking that how could someone with so much wisdom encourages people to hide the truth. I have deep issues with dishonestly; it is something that would govern how I deal with people, steering away from those that are less honest of course.

I cannot build on anything less than accurate, and when something is less I would like to know so that I can make a better judgment. Imagine going full force into a glass wall or stepping onto a floating piece of painted polythene that you had been told was a solid stone.

It was only after graduating and working did I realize the wise meaning behind this statement. I am often asked technical questions and as a fresh graduate I used to pour out all the information I know and would overwhelm who ever happened to have asked me. However, their conclusions and understandings might not be very accurate because they needed other information to properly understand the concept. In fact some health issues raised usually leave people confused and in a state of a panic rather than of significant benefit.

The statement can also encompass issues of privacy and matters that you might not be entitled to disclose. People’s business or where about might be misinterpreted and can cause unforeseen problems. Saying that Sam went for a cigarette when he told his wife he already quit would surely at least cause an argument.

The same is true when you try to give advice and not know where the person is heading and you might not give out the message that was initially intended. Hence, it is important to consider the educational background and what is the purpose of saying certain things before exchanging information to the appropriate level.

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