What I read

Someone asked me what books I read? As much as I love reading and learning, I can hardly remember the last time I read a book cover to cover. I read news on daily basis even if it is by browsing the net or reading snippets, I read scientific papers and I am interested in different fields. I also love listening to programs.

There are several literary work from my school days that I remember loving so much otherwise I might stumble on a poem by mere chance. I thought that one day I would dedicate sometime to exploring the literary work of others but for the moment I am too busy with knowing and learning from primary sources sometimes and analyzing different aspects of life. I am more interested in writing and developing that skill.

I will list of the books that impacted me in a different post but for now I can only think of my idol so to speak in the scientific work. I always told myself that at a certain point in time I want to write like Steve Jones. His work books on the popular science of genetics helped me understand how science could be put in context. His books are for not specialist and some might argue that it does not cover all the theory but at the end of the day how useful is information if it does not solve some answers or is put in a way for us to relate to. A scientific experiment detailing the function of cellular components might seem some what of remote interest, but when we know that it is engineered to produce insulin that helps in a diabetic patient, then the piece of news hits home more and we can understand the significance of science.

His work is such that it explores different ideas and matches them with current technology, written in beautiful almost poetic English that is very understandable and to me his thoughts transcend the traditional ways of presenting science and making it and every day language that is easy to digest, which is very important as more scientific advances are shaping the way we live with certain decisions to be made.

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    [...] were triggered. Although I am not an avid book reader as I mentioned in an earlier post entitled what I read, I love reading news and randomly looking up different words on Wikipedia. But sticking to one book [...]

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