Old poems (6/6): Thank you God

Thank you God for the eyes you gave me,

so I can watch the view of the sea.

Thank you for my nose,

with it I can smell the pretty rose.

Thank you for my tongue and mouth.

I can speak languages from north and south.

Thank you for my ear.

I love what they can hear.

Thank you for my feet.

I can take a walk down the street.

Thank you for my heart.

It is a very interesting part.

With it I live each day,

and with your love I enjoyed today.

Well this is the last of the poems I selected. All were written at age 13 or under. I was producing a lot at that time due to the encouragement of my family and friends. Especially those who took the time to check them :)

Accompanying rose

Accompanying rose


One Response to “Old poems (6/6): Thank you God

  • eeh thank u allah for everything ,,
    thanks for sharing :)

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