Animals are letters

At a random moment my son approached me to say, “mum,” “yes” I answered by default not completely paying attention “Animals are letters” He through this statement which captivated my...

My son turned 6

My eldest son turned 6 years two days ago. The years went by so quickly and I feel I did not capture all the moments that passed by as much...

like mother like son

My younger son is obsessed with all technological things. He loves to quietly test buttons and see what they do and try again to confirm.He started crawling when he was...

A new learning opportunity

I am always eager to learn something new. As one friend once described that I have an ability to make subjects appetizing. I have collected several degrees over the years...

Video conference with the boys

I am very thankful that I live in a time where I can have video calls with my children. So while I am away in London I can still be...

13th Nov 2010
Picture 34

An unrealistic plan or a trick

I don’t much approve of sleep overs for my son. It is due to several reasons. He has been nagging to sleep over at his aunt’s house but I kept...

A nice website

I was trying to explain to my 5 year old son about the phases of the moon. So I came across this nice site and thought of sharing it. It...

In the name of sharing

I am not sure if it is a practicality issue or some childhood association from diary covers that made me always want a pocket watch. So on one of my...

Kharbootah language

It took my elder son some time to pronounce things well but he has a big vocabulary. He loves talking and so he would find ways to communicate his ideas...

16th Apr 2010
The pitfalls of the karma belief

The pitfalls of the karma belief

This is not meant to be a debate about beliefs. I usually refer to the belief of bad Karma as a short cut to tell my son why he should...
